13 July 2006

July 7, 1:58 pm, who knows, VA

Virginia is such a beautiful state. I'll turn round a corner, and suddenly appears a landscape which brings to mind van Gogh and Renoir.

Too bad that this state is also a cesspool of litter and filth. Beer bottles, shoes, McDonalds' wrappings, empty packs of smokes, the box for a satellite dish. I have never seen so much roadside trash. And I canvassed door-to-door in New Jersey.

How much sunscreen will I go through on this trip? Start placing your bids now. I am planning on writing words on my belly. We'll see how that goes.

Jeeps - we've been driving since 9:00 am, and the whole time we've been like 50 miles away from Charlottesville. I don't know what route Ddogg has us on, but it's a doozy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm just back from europe and wanted to say hey. i'm afraid if i tell you anything about my week at the villa, you'll never speak to me again, so instead i'll give one piece of sisterly advice - try spray-on sunscreen. not the crap mom used to buy, but the new neutrogena stuff. i used it for the week spent by the pool and i didn't fry. it doesn't drip in your eyes or turn white and repel the ladies. maybe that will make your adventures more tolerable :)