31 July 2006

July 22, 3:18 pm, Paint Lick, KY

1) Last night - Peter, Paul, and Mary did it ever rain last night. We got our tents set up at an RV Campground, just as the maelstrom descended. Fat lot of good the tents did, though. The winds were strong enough that I didn't feel safe in my tent. I don't think I'll ever feel safe in a moving tent. Also, I am a good planner, and I set my tent up next to a cove of flimsy-looking trees.

As you can predict, I ran like a ninny into the RV Campground Laundry Room. Did some laundry (much needed laundry), talked on the phone with Mary and Steve, listened to a whole show of Johnny Cash music on NPR, drank some Miller High Life Lite which this guy donated to us, killed time, et cetera.

Spend a lot of time chatting with this fellow named Paul, who is now retired, but who used to be a fire fighter and then a police officer in Madison County (of which Berea is a part). I learned quite a bit about firefighting.

For instance, did you know that there's something called a Red Team? That's a contingent of the firefighters who are there only to rescue other firefighters. If you try and use their tools, you will get your ass chewed out.

2) Today - in an effort to quit smoking, I bought the cheapest, worst pack of cigarettes I could find. The brand? "Kentucky's Best".

And I don't think they're kidding.

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