31 July 2006

July 22, 5:52 pm, Lancaster, Ky

1) Made my own Mr. Pibb today. Serviceable, but not good. Man....

2) It goes by many different names. Some call it "the runs", some "mudbut", others "Montezuma's Revenge". I call it "Taco Bell's Cannon".

Whatever one calls it, I have it, and I don't like it. I think it's from that Mexican Food. I hadn't eaten meat in weeks! And then I ate three chicken tacos. (Also, Ddogg bought me pickled jerky this afternoon, but that's a little to soon to be causing this kind of devastation (I think). This is bad, people!)

Remember when I said that it was like Christmas in my mouth? Well, now it's the middle of January, and the tree got all dry and brown and I had to throw it out. And it only fit through one door. Barely.

Here's hoping I make it to Danville intact.

7/21 Oh KY! RV Park, Berea (just outside), KY -> 9 hrs, 03449.1

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