08 August 2006

July 29, 1:25 pm, Elizabethtown, IL

Woah. So the guy who drove past me, and filmed me? Well, after I finished plogging, I put my book away, started up the motorcycle, and started driving. He must've turned around further down the road, and started coming in my direction. So then he was behind me, and I pulled over and let him pass. Phew.

So but, then...

He comes up in the opposing lane, and pulls over across the street from me! What in tarnation?!

I don't want to be suspicious, but he's been filming me (gulp.), and has been following me (double gulp.), and he's in a van (Big Gulp!)

Okay, okay, chill out, I tell myself. This isn't what it looks like. Even though it is starting to remind me of when John Wayne Gacy dressed up like a clown and killed people in this state.

But seriously dude, chill out. This is a well-trafficked road, and he's got a lady in the passenger seat (I assume his wife, but perhaps she's a prisoner! OMG!! It puts on the lotion or it gets the hose!) He leans out the window, and as if to explain his filming-following, says, "I saw you back there, and I thought, 'Boy, this guy must have a story to tell.'"

And he's correct. It's a short story. It goes like this: "Once upon a time, there was this guy, and he was freaked out. Freaked out of his mind. The end."

Anyways, it turns out that the guy is a pastor from Carbondale, and has what appears to be a complete lack of social skills. And he does not kidnap or skin people, so far as I could tell.

He's a pastor. And there's nothing scary about that. Or clowns. Right? Right.

7/28 Cave in Rock State Park, Cave in Rock, IL -> 6.5 hrs, 03891.7

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