06 September 2007

Fucking DEACTIVATE Your Old Blogs People!

Especially if you only post once! I thought that the freebeer.blogspot was a waste, but no.

I mean, yes, but there's worse.

Both didyouknow.blogspot.com and did-you-know.blogspot.com are stuck in loser limbo. I, a loser, cannot claim them! Fer chrissakes, people.

It's bad enough to take blog addresses that I covet, but okay - I can deal with that. I'm a grownup (albeit one who likes to write about poop and nuts). But to only post once, shittily, and then leave your blog to bloat by the side of the information superhighway? For shame. Shame shame shame shame shame.

If I could find you I would punch you. Or ask you nicely for your blog. Probably the latter, but really though. Come one.


Ike Gently said...

I have sweetbabyjesusdidthatcomeoutofme.blogspot.com

you can have it if you want

3way said...

Dear Ike (Mr. Gently?),

Were you sent here from above? I ask only because of this:


After that, I did want to yell, "Sweet baby Jesus, did that come out of me?" In fact, after posting, I found out that my dad once had a crap so massive that it made him pass out (vasovagal response and all!).

If you were sent, though, it was probably from below.

Like, from the pooping parts. Right?

Jesse said...

so, not only was i very pleased, thinking "a blog is really a perfect format for JB," but THEN i was really really pleased to see you are working on "did you know?" precious. i can only wish you luck it getting some relevant URL.

the kud