11 September 2008

Porn Movie - Sex Scenes = Art Film

If you don't believe me, check out the (slightly) Safe For Work (i.e., no nudity, but a few cursewords) Batpussy.

This could be like a post-graduate thesis. A good post-graduate thesis.

20 August 2008

Turtle Gets Wheels, Loving

The good news: A disabled tortoise has been fitted with a set of wheels. Avara, whose rear legs are paralyzed, couldn't walk and didn't mate. The staff at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo built her a prosthetic set of wheels, and now, says Yahoo News, "a particularly amorous 10-year-old male has been after her."

The bad news: this is the 10-year-old male.

31 March 2008

I... Don't... Understand!

Trawling through internet videos (the good kind) (sort of), I suddenly realized I had fallen into watching material that I had no hope of understanding. Twicely so.

the highlights:

"The Secret Life of Plants"


and the kicker,

"real arabic ghost"

on the upside, tonight I finally found the answer to a question which has bugged me for 15 years (but not the thumb and the flappy thing one, or the embryo gone rogue question) - what's on the other side of my belly button? more to come.